Dear LAC Family:
Welcome back! I hope you all have had relaxing summer breaks, peaceful time for reflection, and good health over these last three months.
This Sunday, September 13th, we will test out a limited gathering in Russell Hall of people who sign-up to participate in our in-person fellowship walk following an online worship service. Participants should all be in good health, follow safety protocols, and be prepared for a wellness survey, contact tracing, temperature check, social distancing, and mask-wearing at all times.
Once inside, we proceed along a straight diagonal line – entering Russell hall and exiting at Wendt Avenue. There will not be time to linger for long. The doors and windows will be open and we encourage people to keep moving. No seating or refreshment will be provided.
Small groups of individuals who have reserved a time slot at the event will have a few minutes at each of three tables. These tables are places to 1) meet our new Interim Director of Youth and Family Ministries, Ekama Eni, 2) sign up for hand bell choir with Douglas Kostner, and 3) learn about and join a petition to provide counsel for indigent tenants facing eviction through a High School study initiative led by Caitlyn Carpenter and some of her classmates.
To attend, you must reserve a space, and a time slot, through our online sign-up system. Only three households will be permitted inside the building within any of our 15-minute time slots. Registration will close this Friday, September 11th, at 3:00 p.m., and then confirm your time slot via email. Spaces are limited, so please reserve a spot now at the following link: [LINK].
We will Livestream the event on Facebook for those who cannot attend. Many thanks to Leigh Anne Smith for organizing this event, to Ernest Wong and Angie Liessl for providing the safety monitor guidelines and crew for their implementation, and to all of our staff who have worked hard to make our space clean and safe for this trial run.
Wishing you God’s Peace as the new program year unfolds!
In God’s Love,
Interim Pastor, Larchmont Avenue Church