We are thrilled to be able to gather together physically in our beautiful sanctuary once again!
The following are procedures we will use as we reopen the sanctuary for worship:
We request that you attend only if you are healthy, are showing no signs or symptoms of illness, and have not had any known exposure to COVID-19 in the preceding two weeks. If you have any symptoms, please stay home. You can still watch the worship online at lacny.org.
Since it may take more time than usual to get everyone in place, we ask that you plan to arrive at 9:45 a.m. in order to complete the wellness survey and temperature check at the Larchmont Avenue entrance.
For entry into the church, everyone will use the main sanctuary doors by the elevator side on Larchmont Avenue. Ushers will be there to greet you, confirm your good health, and help you find a seat safely distanced from other congregants, filling the available pews from front to back.
You must wear a mask at all times during the service. You are encouraged to bring your own, though we will have a limited supply of adult-sized masks if you should forget yours. You will be asked to use hand sanitizer before entering the sanctuary. There will be no child care, but children are welcome to sit with their families during worship.
For a time, worship will look and sound different.
a. Upon entering the sanctuary, you will be asked to check in and then be shown where to sit. You will not be able to simply choose your “usual” pew. Families will be able to sit together. Children must stay with their families in the pews.
b. Pews will be marked off to maintain social distancing.
c. To increase air circulation, we will have the windows open. Air conditioning is not recommended in closed spaces pursuant to the latest Presbytery guidelines.
g. There will be no physical contact with those outside family groups, such as handshakes, elbow bumps, or hugs. We will not mingle before or after service but remain in our seats at all times with masks on.
d. Following worship, you will be asked to leave the sanctuary from the back-most aisle first, leaving from the Larchmont Avenue side of the church onto Forest Park Avenue, or directly onto Larchmont Avenue by the elevator, with everyone practicing social distancing.
Despite these restrictions, we can still worship God together by joining in prayer, listening to scripture, and reflecting on the music and sermon. Session approved these procedures to help us find ways to ease the isolation of our days by returning to church while reducing the risk of infection.
Call the Church Office to RSVP at (914)834-1800, ext. 302, or use the links below:
Date | Register Here |
March 27, 2022 | Link |
April 3, 2022 | Link |
April 10, 2022 PALM SUNDAY | Link |
April 14, 2022 7PM Maundy Thursday | Link |
April 15, 2022 12PM Good Friday | Link |
April 11, 2022 Easter 9AM | Link |
April 11, 2022 Easter 11AM | Link |