Chancel Organ Ranks and Pipes

The LAC Chancel Organ

IV/49 – 2916 pipes – James Konzelman, 2008


16            Gemshorn

8              Principal

8              Flûte Harm. (Ch)

8              Bourdon

8              Violoncelle (prep)

8              Gemshorn (ext)

4              Octave

4              Flûte Ouverte

22/3          Quint

2              Super Octave

2              Quarte de Nasard

IV            Mixture 11/3

8              Trompete


16            Great to Great

                Great Unison Off

4              Great to Great


16            Quintaton (prep)

8              Flûte Harmonique

8              Holzgedeckt

8              Quintaton (prep)

8              Viola

8              Viola Celeste (prep)

8              Klein Erzähler

8              Erzähler Celeste

4              Principal

4              Koppelflöte

22/3          Quint (prep)

2              Octave

13/5          Terz (prep)

11/3          Quint

IV            Scharff 1

8              Trompette Harmonique

8              English Horn (prep)

8              Cromorne


                Chimes (Sw)

16            Choir to Choir

                Choir Unison Off

4              Choir to Choir


16            Bordun

8              Principal

8              Rohrflöte

8              Viole de Gambe

8              Voix Celeste

8              Flûte Douce

8              Flûte Celeste

4              Octave

4              Nachthorn

22/3          Nasat

2              Blockflöte

13/5          Terz

IV            Mixture 2

16            Bombarde

8              Trompette

8              Hautbois

8              Clarinet (prep)

8              Voix Humaine f (prep)

8              Voix Humaine p (prep)

4              Clairon


16            Swell to Swell

                Swell Unison Off

4              Swell to Swell


8              Flûte Harm. (Ch)

8              Bordun (Sw)

8              Quintaton (Ch)

8              Gemshorn (Gt)

16            Bombarde (Sw)

8              Trompette en Chamade

8              Trompette Harm. (Ch)

8              Trompete (Gt)

8              Bombarde (Sw)

8              Hautbois (Sw)

8              Cromorne (Ch)

8              English Horn (Ch)

8              Clarinet (Sw)

8              Voix Humaine f (Sw)


                Chimes (Sw)

                Harp (Sw)

                Celesta (Sw)

16            Solo to Solo

                Solo Unison Off

4              Solo to Solo


32            Soubasse (prep)

32            Resultant

32            Gemshorn (prep)

16            Principal

16            Soubasse

16            Bordun (Sw)

16            Quintaton (Ch)

16            Gemshorn (Gt)

8              Octave

8              Flûte

8              Bordun (Sw)

8              Gemshorn (Gt)

4              Choral Bass

4              Flûte

2              Flûte Harm. (Ch)

IV            Mixture 22/3 (prep)

32            Bombarde

16            Posaune

16            Bombarde (Sw)

8              Trompete (ext)

8              Bombarde (Sw)

4              Klarine (ext)


                Great to Pedal

                Swell to Pedal

                Choir to Pedal

                Solo to Pedal

4              Great to Pedal

4              Swell to Pedal

4              Choir to Pedal

4              Solo to Pedal

16            Swell to Great

                Swell to Great

4              Swell to Great

16            Choir to Great

                Choir to Great

4              Choir to Great

                Solo to Great

                Great to Swell

16            Choir to Swell

                Choir to Swell

4              Choir to Swell

                Solo to Swell

                Great to Choir

16            Swell to Choir

                Swell to Choir

4              Swell to Choir

                Solo to Choir

                Great to Solo

                Swell to Solo

                Choir to Solo

                Pedal to Great